
Effects of climate change on
the environment

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When one mentions the country Saudi Arabia, the usual images that come to mind are deserts and dry lands. But let me tell you, my last business trip to Riyadh in October 2018 completely shattered that perception. It was an absolute game-changer! Picture this: it was raining every single day, and some parts of the city even experienced flooding. Can you believe it? I was left in awe, completely dumbfounded. In fact, the flooding was so severe that I missed my flight and had to stay an extra day in Riyadh. Can you imagine the roads to the airport being flooded? It was like something out of a movie!

This unexpected turn of events made me realize the immense impact of climate change on our world. Witnessing flooding in Saudi Arabia, a place I never expected to see such a phenomenon, was a wake-up call. It opened my eyes to the urgent need to take care of our beloved mother earth and do everything in our power to slow down climate change.

Friends, let me tell you, this experience has ignited a fire within me. It’s time to take action, to stand up and make a difference. We cannot sit while our planet suffers. We must be the change we wish to see in the world. Let’s come together, united in our determination to protect our environment and secure a sustainable future for generations to come. Exciting times lie ahead, my friends, and I am thrilled to be a part of this movement for positive change.

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