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Endorsement on Commercial Document on Russia-Japan Cooperation Plan

We are pleased to announce that a commercial document regarding the production of organic fertilizer was signed at the St. PetersburgInternational Economic Forum by our company, Novgorod Region and Belgrankorm (Broiler farm) in Russia on May 25th 2018, in the presence of the Governor of the Novgorod Region Mr. Andrey Nikitin, Development Agency of the Novgorod Region Mr. Aleksandr Orlov, and the Vice-Minister of International Affairs ,Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan, Mr. Hiromichi Matsushima. This is a part of the 8 point Cooperation Plan between Russia and Japan.


Recent Event

Effects of climate change on
the environment

When one mentions the country Saudi Arabia, the usual images that come to mind are deserts and dry lands. But let me tell you, my last business trip to Riyadh in October 2018 completely shattered that perception. It was an absolute game-changer! Picture this: it was raining every single day, and some parts of the city even experienced flooding. Can you believe it? I was left in awe, completely dumbfounded. In fact, the flooding was so severe that I missed my flight and had to stay an extra day in Riyadh. Can you imagine the roads to the airport being flooded? It was like something out of a movie!

